eMath Assessment
What is eMath?
eMath is mandatory math assessment for students applying for high schools in Finland.
eMath tests your current math skills. By taking this assessment, both you and the school you are applying for can understand which areas in math are your strengths and which areas you can improve.
eMath is not pass or fail test, it is an assessment to understand your math skills better!
Why do I need to do eMath?
eMath is Math Assessment can help you understand your math skills better. It can also showcase your strengths or areas of improvement to the principals of the each school you are applying for.
Please remember, that eMath is not pass or fail test, it is an assessment to understand your math skills. There is no shame in having a low score, it only means that the school can provide you extra support you in your math studies.
For students applying for High School (HS) completing this eMath assessment is mandatory. It is a part of your school application!
Before the eMath Assessment
Please read these rules before you take your eMath Assessment.
Scroll down for more instructions on how to create your account.
How to create an account in eMath?
1. Click on the ''CREATE ACCOUNT'' button below.
2. Fill in your details and create your Username and Password.
3. Click on ''I accept the user agreements'' and ''I'm not a robot''
4. Click on ''Create your eMath account''
5. Check your mailbox and click on ''Verify your email address.''
6. Log in to your account and complete your eMath Assessment.
How to complete eMath?
Make sure that you are logged in the Finest Future eMath account
You can check it in ''Profile'' by clicking on your name in the right corner
1. Click on ''Courses'' in the left side menu
2. Choose the language you want do your eMath in and join by entering joining key FF2024. eMath is available in English, Vietnamese, Chinese, Farsi, Burmese, Thai, Spanish
3. Complete the eMath Assessment. Deadline for the eMath Assessment is 1 week after opening it!
After your eMath Assessment
You will need your eMath Assessment when apply to school !
Results are always published every Friday at 12:00 FI time
Log in with your username and password to check your results from this page:
After receiving your results, you can get your eMath Certificate.
1. Click on "View map" to see your skill gap map.
2. Click on ''Certificate'' on the top left corner.
3. Click on "Print / Download" to print or save certificate.
Remember to upload your eMath Certificate to IkonAI to apply to schools
Start the process of eMath improvement
How do I retake the eMath assessment?
If you want to retake your eMath-assessment and improve your skills, you need to follow these instructions:
1. Send an email to sanna.aho@finestfuture.org and tell her that you wish to do the practice so that you can retake the eMath assessment.
2. Open the practice material in eMath studio at https://emathstudio.com
Based on your score and skill gaps in the math assessment, you will see how many percent of the assignments you have to do. The repetition course is connected to your skill gap maps, so you can access it by clicking on the red cells that show topics you need to practice. The course key is: fixit
3. When you have done all the exercises according to your study path, send an email to ida@emathstudio.com to report that you wish to retake the eMath assessment.
4. Wait for the green light and follow the instructions if you are not yet qualified to retake the assessment.
I filled in all the information to create eMath my account, but I can’t create the account.✅ Make sure your username doesn't have any special characters or spaces. ✅ Confirm that the username isn't already taken used by someone else ✅ Ensure that the password has at least 10 characters. ✅ Double-check that you entered your password correctly in the re-enter password field. ✅ Make sure to fill out all the required fields ✅ Accept the user agreement. ✅ Complete the ''I am not a robot''
I have created my eMath account, but I did not receive an email with an activation link to activate my account.If you haven't received an email from eMathStudio, please check your promotion, spam, junk, and trash folders as the email may be there. The email is sent from eMathStudio. If you think you may have entered your email incorrectly during registration, try registering again with the correct email. If the system says your email is already in use but you can't find the email, contact our customer service at support@emathstudio.com . Make sure to send the email from the same address you used to create your account and include your username in the message.
I can not see the right courses, I can only see the “demo course”You're not logged in. Click on the login button in the upper right corner to log in.
I am logged in, but I can not see the right courses.Make sure you're connected to the right school and have a valid subscription. Check your profile, which should show: School: Finest Future Tutoring Subscription: eMathStudio STUDENT
I have done my eMath assessment, what do I do next?Make sure you've submitted all math assessment assignments by clicking 'ready' on each one. Also, check for any network connection warnings. Once you've completed these steps, just wait for the results to be published. The results are published every Friday at 12:00 FI time. You can check them from HERE
One week has passed since I started my eMath assessment, but I can not see my results.If you're having trouble, email us at support@emathstudio.com . Let us know your school (Finest Future), username, name, and when you started the test. We'll help you figure out the problem.
I forgot my password / it says wrong passwordCheck the mail you received from eMathStudio when you created your account, title “Welcome”. It contains your username. You may request a new password when you try to sign in to your account. Click on “I forgot my password” and you will be sent instructions to your email. Here is also the direct link to request a new password. https://service4f.fourferries.com/service4f/portal#!resetpswd
Do you need quick help with eMath?
Join our Skype chat to get help with eMath or reach us via email support@emathstudio.com